Writers: Daniel Pyne & Glenn Gers
Stars: Anthony Hopkins, Ryan Gosling and David Strathairn
Wealthy, brilliant, and meticulous Ted Crawford, a structural engineer in Los Angeles, shoots his wife and entraps her lover. He signs a confession; at the arraignment, he asserts his rights to represent himself and asks the court to move immediately to trial. The prosecutor is Willy Beachum, a hotshot who's soon to join a fancy civil-law firm, told by everyone it's an open and shut case. Crawford sees Beachum's weakness, the hairline fracture of his character: Willy's a winner. The engineer sets in motion a clockwork crime with all the objects moving in ways he predicts.
First time aku tgk lakonan Anthony Hopkins ni melalui cite Silence Of The Lambs pastu Hannibal dan Red Dragon....aku cukup kagum ngan lakonannye...(aku suke tgk mimik mukenye yg bersahaja).....
Dlm cte ni, dia skali lg melakonkan watak 'Ted Crawford' yg seakan2 watak 'Hannibal' dlm cte2 di atas iaitu sebagai seorg yg nmpak 'biasa', 'cool', genius tp amat merbahaya (atau dgn kata lainnye, "psycho!")....Cuma yg membezakannya kali ni adalah dia x mkn daging manusia dah! hehehehhe.....
PS: Warning! Cte ni penuh ngan terma2 undang2/mahkamah...jd kalu x phm, korg xkan minat....
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